For a truly sustainable choice, with no ifs and no buts.
When searching for a litter box that respects the planet, there are numerous factors to consider that often have nothing to do with the nature of the material. That is why we have decided to put our cards on the table and provide clear, honest information. It is time to really get to know the features, benefits and the differences between mineral and vegetable litter.
I want a Fresh and Clean litter tray, and I want it meow!
When it comes to well-being, your cat knows what they want. Learning how to handle clumping litter will help you keep it fresh and clean for longer, reducing wastage and the amount of waste you produce.
Listen to your cat: they've got nine lives of wisdom!
I want a safe and clean litter tray, and I want it meow!
Choosing a high-quality litter with impressive clumping power and good odour control helps you to keep the tray clean and hygienic at all times, just the way your cat likes it.
Listen to your cat: they've got nine lives of wisdom!
I want a comfortable and practical litter tray, and I want it meow!
Choosing a clumping litter allows you to replace the litter less regularly while ensuring better hygiene for your cat and your home. By producing less waste, you are also reducing your environmental impact.
Listen to your cat: they've got nine lives of wisdom!
For a truly sustainable choice, with no ifs and no buts.
When searching for a litter box that respects the planet, there are numerous factors to consider that often have nothing to do with the nature of the material. That is why we have decided to put our cards on the table and provide clear, honest information. It is time to really get to know the features, benefits and the differences between mineral and vegetable litter.
I want a Fresh and Clean litter tray, and I want it meow!
When it comes to well-being, your cat knows what they want.
Learning how to handle clumping litter will help you keep it fresh and clean for longer, reducing wastage and the amount of waste you produce.
Listen to your cat: they've got nine lives of wisdom!
I want a safe and clean litter tray, and I want it meow!
Choosing a high-quality litter with impressive clumping power and good odour control helps you to keep the tray clean and hygienic at all times, just the way your cat likes it.
Listen to your cat: they've got nine lives of wisdom!
I want a comfortable and practical litter tray, and I want it meow!
Choosing a clumping litter allows you to replace the litter less regularly while ensuring better hygiene for your cat and your home. By producing less waste, you are also reducing your environmental impact.
Listen to your cat: they've got nine lives of wisdom!

Do you know everything about litter trayes?
If the answer is ‘I would like to know more’, welcome to!!
The world of litter is as varied as the cats who use it: mineral, plant-based, silica gel, clumping, absorbent… How do you make an informed choice? Above all, how do you know which litter tray is right for your kitten? And how do know how best to use it and dispose of it properly?
In the last 40 years we have seen it all: from the first rudimentary litter tray, to the modern and technologically advanced bentonite litter tray; from the human who thought he could empty the whole litter tray into the toilet, to the self-cleaning litter tray that does (almost) everything by itself.
Therefore, we have decided to create a place dedicated to cats and humans, offering advice, facts and answers. The right place to get information and learn how to best manage one of the most important elements to ensure hygiene in the home for the well-being of our little felines: the litter tray.
Did you know...?
Clumping litter
Most clumping litter is composed of bentonite, a natural clay mineral and completely safe for cats and humans.
Known and used since ancient times, this extremely versatile mineral is today used in many applications (cosmetics, wine and fruit juices, medicines…).
In cat litter, bentonite is used for its great ability to absorb liquids and odours (up to 10 times its own volume!) and retain them in an agglomerate that is easy to remove, leaving the remaining product intact.
Want to know more about this incredible mineral?
Visit the IMA-Europe website!

Plant-based litter
Plant-based litter is definitely the greenest choice a feline can make. Beware though, you must always check the materials from which they are made!
There are many types of plant-based litter available, both clumping and absorbent, based on wood, paper, corn, tofu, barley and other materials.
To ensure that their impact is indeed minimal, always check who the producers are and that the material is derived from production waste and not from dedicated crops.
Also, inquire about the litter disposal rules in force where you live: some local authorities prohibitthe disposal of plant-based litter in the organic waste and encourage its disposal together with the household waste.

Not all vegetable litter products are the same: make sure you have all the information you need to make a truly sustainable choice.
Choose well, human!
Having accurate and complete information is the first step towards choosing products that improve the well-being of any cat and its human family.. A conscious choice and correct use of litter also allows you to use a smaller amount, use it better and reduce wastage.

Hygiene and
Did you know that clumping litter is more hygienic and cleaner than absorbent alternatives?
All cats like a tidy litter tray 😻 but some kitties are real clean freaks! If your cat belongs to the second category, then they will definitely prefer clumping litter.
Clumping litter allows you to maintain a higher level of hygiene and cleanliness than absorbent litter: instead of being absorbed, liquids form compact clumps that can simply be removed. leaving the rest of the litter perfectly fresh and clean.
Clumping litter, especially of good quality, also provides excellent odour control.
If your cat has a delicate sense of smell, we recommend that you try an activated carbon clumping litter: these bind to the molecules responsible for odours and neutralise them even more effectively.
Reduce wastage
Did you know that by using high-quality litter you can reduce the volume of waste on a monthly basis by up to 65%?
Think about how often you empty your cat’s toilet tray entirely… Surely, if you are currently using an absorbent litter, the answer will be: ‘at least once a week‘. This means that, on average, you use and throw away at least 16 litres of litter each month.
Clumping litter on the other hand, has a much greater durability:
a high-quality product keeps the litter fresh and clean for up to one month of use* and means you will need to dispose of only 6 litres monthly.
The conscious choice and use of clumping litter thus makes it possible to greatly reduce wastage and limit the amount of household waste.
Less waste produced and lower disposal costs, for a happier cat (and a more hygienic home!).
*based on one 6 L bag of litter and one cat


We know just how habit-forming our furry friends can be! If you want to switch from one type of litter to another, insert the new litter gradually, mixing it with the old to allow your cat to get used to it gradually.
Learning how best to manage litter means protecting the well-being of your cat and the comfort of the planet.
Litter: how to use it
The happiness of our furry pets is the most important thing. Since they are sometimes real clean freaks, the first way to ensure their well-being is to make their environment healthy, starting with their toilet.
Remember: we don’t like bad smells, but above all, they can be very annoying to our friends with a superior sense of smell!
Always try to listen to your cat and identify possible signs of aversion to litter: here it is also important to assess whether the product you are using is suitable for your kitty’s sensitivity.
FMQ - Frequently Meowed Questions
TYPES&TIPS Making conscious choices to protect cat welfare
No, not all litter products are the same! A conscious choice and correct use and maintenance of litter are essential to achieve the best results and protect your cat's well-being.
Mineral litters are the ideal choice if you are looking for a high quality product that respects the health and well-being of your cat. They are made of bentonite, a natural and safe mineral that guarantees a high level of hygiene and allows you to reduce waste. Depending on your needs, you can choose between clumping and absorbent mineral litter.
Absorbent litter, as the name suggests, absorbs liquids and traps odours effectively for about a week. Clumping litter is the one that 'forms a clump'; it is usually composed of bentonite, a natural clay mineral with a great ability to absorb liquids and odours. Clumping litter can reduce the volume of waste by up to 75% compared to absorbent alternatives.
A 100% vegetable-based cat litter is made of natural materials such as wood, maize, and tofu. Remember to check that the materials from which it is made are derived from production waste and not from dedicated crops. All that glitters is not green!
Cat litter with probiotics neutralises odours and combats the proliferation of unwanted bacteria thanks to the antibacterial action of the 'good bacteria', thus keeping the litter environment healthy and fresh for longer.
For kittens, a very fine-grained litter is recommended, which encourages the kitten to dig and is gentler on its paws.
This type of litter is particularly suitable for long-haired cats: its special granules are designed to prevent them from sticking to the cat's paws and being scattered all over the house.
Diagnostic litter is a valuable tool for monitoring the health of your furry friend. It consists of a mix of bentonite and coloured microgranules, which change colour depending on the pH of the cat's urine. This way, you can see instantly if the pH is altered and contact your vet.
It is a valuable natural ally for neutralising unpleasant odours. Activated charcoal absorbs odours at the molecular level, leaving a refreshing sense of cleanliness. Your kitty will thank you (maybe).
There are both unscented and scented litter products on the market. Bear in mind, however, that a cat's sense of smell is very sensitive and some scents may irritate it and cause it not to use the litter box.
To make a truly informed choice, we advise you to evaluate the practicality of use (does the product facilitate or complicate your daily life?), the impact on the environment (does it harm the environment?), the effectiveness of the product (is it of good quality and does it serve the purpose?) and, last but not least, your cat's preferences. Ultimately, the choice is up to you (and your cat): make sure you have all the information to make a reasoned and informed choice!
We know how demanding and selective our little friends can be. So, we can only give you one answer: the best choice for you is the choice that makes your cat happy (and protects its well-being). On this site we give you all the information you need to make an informed choice, but don't forget to ask the cat's opinion: it is important to listen to the cat when it expresses a preference or aversion to a litter product and adjust accordingly. Still in doubt? Write to our expert at, he will be happy to answer you.
No, the choice of litter is crucial! All types of litter have different characteristics: for example, bentonite-based litter is composed of a natural mineral and is completely harmless for the cat's health. Silica gel litter, on the other hand, is always imported from abroad and is a synthetic product resulting from extremely impactful production processes. Finally, plant-based bedding can be made of different raw materials: wood, corn, tofu, etc. It is important to know how to choose a material that makes use of production waste.
Pay attention to the label! The place of production and the composition of the product is always indicated on our packaging.
There are various factors that affect the monthly cost of litter: the most important are certainly the way in which you use the product and its ability to form clumps. Always ensure that you use the litter correctly and do not waste it, e.g. by throwing it away prematurely. High-quality clumping litter has a higher cost per unit, but forms very compact clumps and ensures minimal wastage: in many cases, the monthly cost is even lower than that of cheaper litter.
There are various reasons why your cat may refrain from using the litter tray. The first could be the poor hygiene of the litter tray: make sure you clean it very often and wash it well when you change the litter. The second reason could be the type of litter: you might be using a product that does not allow adequate odour control or an overly fragrant product that offends your kitten's sense of smell. Finally, check with your vet that there are no problems with your cat's behaviour or health.
Mineral litter is 100% natural and safe. Ingesting small amounts of litter is not dangerous. In the case of ingestion of larger quantities, we advise you to contact your veterinarian immediately.
No, there are also litter products on the market for small animals such as hamsters, rabbits and rodents. We recommend that you always choose a specific litter for your pet and avoid improper use.
HYGIENE & DISPOSALTo manage litter better, during and after use
In many cases, the answer to this question is: change the type of litter. Bad odour results from bacteria developing inside the cat litter tray, which is why clumping litters allow a higher level of hygiene and better odour control. There are also litters with added activated charcoal and bicarbonate.
Absolutely not! Absorbent litter absorbs liquids and only requires the removal of faeces. In contrast, clumping bedding encloses liquids in solid, compact clumps, which must be removed daily. For further information, please download the instructions above.
The litter tray must be thoroughly cleaned with soap and water every time it is emptied. Each type of litter has a different life span before it has to be disposed of: generally speaking, absorbent litter lasts one week on average, while good quality clumping litter can stay fresh for up to one month*.
*based on one 6 L bag of litter and one cat.
First of all: think about your kitten's privacy! Always prefer quiet, reserved places for a litter tray; it is best to avoid placing it in corridors, noisy or busy areas. Another important aspect is humidity: avoid placing the litter on the balcony, in the cellar or in other damp areas of the house.
Many expectant mothers fear that they may contract toxoplasmosis from their cat, an animal infectious disease that can be transmitted through faeces and can have serious consequences in pregnant women. To minimise the risk of infection, a pregnant woman should avoid cleaning the cat litter box. If you have any doubts, we recommend you seek advice from your doctor.
We advise you to carefully read the instructions on the back of the package to make the best use of the product.
We know that our cat friends do not particularly like change. When you feel it is necessary to change the type of litter, we recommend that you do so gradually by mixing the two types of litter gradually so that the cat can get used to it.
Our cat friends like to protect their own space and therefore do not like to share the litter box. According to feline behaviour experts, and advocates of the '+1 rule', it is a good idea to have an extra litter box in relation to the number of cats in the house. Not everyone, however, has enough space. That is why multicat litter trays are commercially available, usually with added bicarbonate to ensure better odour control and happy co-existence of all cats.
It depends, the disposal of small quantities is often allowed, but risks overloading the sewerage system and is already prohibited in some areas.
It depends on municipal regulations, but more and more municipalities are banning it to avoid health risks from the proliferation of bacteria in feline faeces.
Mineral litter cannot be disposed of in the toilet, even in very small quantities. This waste is not biodegradable and must therefore be disposed of in the general waste.
In general, make sure you always check the instructions of your local authorities regarding the disposal of cat litter.
Our expert is at your disposal to clarify any doubts and curiosities about the world of litter. Write an e-mail to to receive a reply directly in your inbox.
BELIEFS & MISCONCEPTIONSTo avoid falling for litter box fake news
False. Mineral litter is composed of bentonite, a natural material that is safe for both humans and animals and is used in many applications (food additives, detergents, paints, cosmetics, etc.).
Vegetable litter can be both clumping and absorbent and composed of ingredients such as wood, paper, maize, tofu, and barley. Remember, however, to check the origin of the material and above all that it comes from manufacturing waste and not from dedicated manufacturing, to ensure that its impact is truly minimal.
There are many factors to consider. Always check who the manufacturers are and that the material is derived from production waste and not from dedicated crops. Remember also to check the disposal regulations of your local council: some councils prohibit the disposal of litter in the organic waste and recommend putting it in the general waste.
Laviosa is committed to taking care of the excavation sites, leaving them in an improved state compared to when they were found. We do this throughout the entire supply chain, from presenting the environmental impact assessment plan at the excavation stage to the full restoration of the excavation site. We have always been committed to mining restoration that benefits both the environment and the community.
Our mission: To keep our beloved best friends clean and healthy 😺🐶🏠
For over 40 years Laviosa’s mission in the field of Pet Care has been to guarantee the hygiene and well-being of pets, providing a complete range of natural products, developed through constant research to ensure the best results using top-quality raw materials.
Laviosa is one of the world’s leading companies in the study, extraction, processing and sale of bentonite and other clay minerals. The Laviosa Group is dedicated to conservation and building a strong legacy: we have always taken the utmost care to protect the land we excavate, leaving it in a better state than we found it.
Laviosa’s approach has always been based on environmental and social sustainability. Mines are the beating heart of our work, and they must be treasured and fully restored after the excavation period.
Our commitment to the environment is constantly growing to encompass every stage of our production process: from extraction to drying in the sun, and from renewa energy in production facilities to reduced transport emissions, right through to products appearing on shop shelves.
Once our products are purchased, a new chapter begins: by making conscientious choices and staying informed, consumers can actually reduce their impact on the environment.
This gave rise to edu.laviosa and the Do it Right, Human campaign with the aim of shedding more light on the world of litter and advising families with cats to make more conscious choices starting with litter.
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Our kitten will give you advice on choosing the right type of litter!
Do you have any questions? Send us an e-mail and one of our experts will answer all your questions